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T2202 - Tuition and Enrolment Certificate and Summary

The T2202—or Tuition and Enrolment Certificate and Summary form—is an official statement for income tax purposes. It is issued to all students who have paid tuition and fees for qualifying courses that are eligible for a claim on their income tax return. 

All post-secondary institutions must record each student's Social Insurance Number (SIN) on a T2202 form and report it to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). It is mandatory that you update your SIN through your MyOntarioTech account. Failure to provide a SIN, if a SIN is available, may result in a $100 penalty.

In accordance with CRA regulations, T2202 forms are only issued for tuition fees totalling $100 or more. Materials and administrative fees are not eligible for a tax deduction.

When will I receive it?

The T2202 tax form for the previous calendar year is available as of the last business day of February on MyOntarioTech. These forms are not mailed.

Students with a disability

The T2202 reports the actual part-time or full-time enrolment status for all students, including those students with a disability.

Your T2202 is solely based on the number of credits you were enrolled in the University and the eligible tuition fees you paid for them. As such, we cannot change your T2022 form to reflect full-time status for full-time fees that you did not pay.

Note: If you are eligible for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) or had, in the year, a mental or physical impairment and a doctor has certified that you cannot reasonably be expected to be enrolled as a full-time student because of the effects of this impairment, you would note this on schedule 11 of your T1 tax return. This informs CRA that you may be considered full-time for other provisions within the Income Tax Act and various provincial and territorial programs.

If you have addtional questions, please contact the CRA directly. 

Other frequently asked questions

  • Do I get a T2202 form?
    T2202 forms are issued if you've paid more than $100 in eligible fees for courses beginning and ending in a particular calendar year.
  • How can I update my SIN?

    To update your SIN or to see if one is already on file: 

    1. Go to MyOntarioTech.
    2. Select the Current students box.
    3. In the Personal information box, select Social insurance number collection. 
    4. If prompted, login using your network credentials.
    5. Verify that your SIN is correct. 

    If you already have a SIN on file, you will not be able to update the SIN online. Visit the Office of the Registrar with a government issued photo ID and your SIN card, so a representative can update your file. 

  • Can I receive my T2202 form by email?

    Unfortunately, due to security reasons, we cannot send your T2202 form via email. It contains sensitive information, such as your SIN, and we must follow all procedures to avoid any potential identity theft.  

    If you’ve lost access to your student account due to inactivity, you can contact the IT Service Desk at 905.721.3333 and they can help with giving you the access back.

  • How do I access my T2202 tax form?
    1. Go to MyOntarioTech.
    2. Select the Current students box.
    3. In the Canadian tax forms box, select T2202A tax credit form. Please note: This menu item will not be available before T2202s are released at the end of February.
    4. Select the Tax year, then select either View data or Printable form (pdf), and select Submit.
      • By selecting View data, you can review your tuition amounts and months eligible online.
      • By selecting Printable form, you will be informed that this will mark your taxation record as printed. If you select Continue, any future requests will be marked as Duplicate. If you are sure you want to continue, select Confirm.

    Ensure your pop-up blocker is turned off in your internet browser’s settings, as this can prevent the PDF file from opening.

    If you have lost access to your MyOntarioTech account due to inactivity, call IT Services at 905.721.3333 to reset your password.

  • What should I do if my SIN is invalid when I try to access my T2202?

    If you receive the message, “Social insurance number(SIN) is invalid, provide valid SIN,” it could be because: 

    • Your SIN is missing from your MyOntarioTech account.
    • Your SIN on file is incorrect.
    • You entered your SIN after your T2202 was released for the tax year. 

    To add your SIN:

    1. Go to MyOntarioTech.
    2. Select the Current Students section.
    3. Under the Personal Information box, select Social Insurance Number Collection
    4. Enter your login credentials, if required. 
    5. Add your SIN.

    To update your SIN or request an amended T2202, visit the Office of the Registrar with your government-issued ID and your SIN. 

  • Why am I receiving an error when I try to access my T2202?

    If you are receiving an error that states, **ERROR** Invalid URL, please verify the settings, this is due to your browser’s pop-up settings. Disable any pop-up blockers, or use a different browser. 

    If you still experience issues, please contact

  • I just entered my SIN in my student account. Why isn't it reflected on my T2202?
    Once released, your T2202 will need to be manually amended. To request an amended T2202 form with your updated SIN, please reach out to Enrolment Services at
  • Why doesn't my T2202 form match the amount I paid for my course?

    The total amount of tuition fees paid may not necessarily correspond to your T2202 because not all of your tuition fees are tax deductible. Also, the T2202 is based on the calendar year (January to December), not the academic year (September to April).

  • Which tuition fees are not eligible for my T2202?

    Fees that are not eligible include:

    • Cost of books
    • Goods of lasting value that you will keep (e.g. a computer, uniform or tools)
    • Health and dental insurance
    • Initiation or entrance fees to a professional organization
    • Meals and lodging
    • Ontario Tech Student Union fees
    • Transportation and parking
  • What about the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) and my T2202?

    Determining your eligiblity for the DTC is solely between you and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The University does not determine this and as such, cannot make modifications to T2202s to address a student's disability, or provide advice/counsel on how to claim the DTC. 

    In addition, please note that being registered with the University's Student Accessibility Centre does not automatically indicate that a student is eligible to claim the DTC.  

    For further assistance regarding your T2202 and claiming the DTC, please connect with a professional tax preparer.

  • I paid for my first year and my tax receipt reflects only half of what I paid. Where's the rest?
    Fees for the winter 2023 semester will not be included in your 2022 T2202 form. Your T2022 only reflects payments for courses attended between January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.
  • I received my T2202 form but the address on it is incorrect. Do I need a new one?

    No, a new form is not required. Please ensure that your address is updated in MyOntarioTech for any future forms or requests.

    To update your address:

    1. Go to MyOntarioTech.
    2. Select the Current students box.
    3. In the Personal information box, select Update my personal information.
    4. If prompted, login using your network credentials. 
    5. Navigate to Address, select Edit (pencil) and input your address.
    6. Select Update.
  • My parents need my T2202 form. Will you send it directly to them for me?
    No, due to privacy laws we can only release this form directly to you through your secure login via MyOntarioTech.
  • If I add the tuition for my course together with that of another institution, I would meet the $100 minimum. Why won't you give me a T2202?
    Students may not combine receipts from different institutions to meet the minimum eligible fee, as per the Income Tax Act.
  • Do I need to submit my T2202 when I file my taxes?

    You are not required to submit a printed copy of your T2202 form with your tax return. You only need a printed copy of your T2202 if one is requested by the CRA as part of a formal audit.

    You should, however, copy the amounts listed on your online T2202 onto the CRA's Schedule 11 form to be submitted with your tax return.

  • Can you help me with some questions about my tax return?

    In-depth questions regarding the use of the T2202A form in the tax preparation process should be directed to the CRA. Tax guides are available from any CRA or post office.

    The CRA also publishes a booklet for students to help with tax information.

  • My child attended a summer camp program last summer. Will I receive a T2202 form for this?
    No, a T2202 form will not be provided as summer camps don't qualify as tuition. Only courses offered at the post-secondary level are eligible.

Can't find your question? Contact us at for more answers.