Below are our team's most frequently asked questions regarding course registration:
How do I know which course(s) to register for?
If you are unsure of which program map to follow, call us at 905.721.3190 or contact your Academic Advisor directly.
How do I use the Ontario Tech Mobile app to register for courses?
You can now register for courses using our Ontario Tech Mobile app if you have your student number and network password.
Within the Courses Module section on the app, you will be able to:
- View your current courses
- View your weekly schedule
- Look up/ Register for courses
- View certain holds
- View your final grades
- View your academic, personal and contact information
I am having difficulty logging in while using MyOntarioTech. What do I do?
If you have never logged into the system, make sure that you have set up your Network Password. If you are still having difficulties, please call IT Services at 905.721.3333.
Why am I getting the Spring/Summer 2023 Registration Contract when I try accessing the Plan Ahead function?
This contract will appear for every student who attempts to access the Plan Ahead feature during the Spring/Summer semester which runs from May to August. You have to accept the contract in order to access Plan Ahead.
Note: This will not affect your registration as you cannot access the registration section until your specific registration window opens, for the fall/winter term. Nor will the system allow you to register for the spring/summer term. -
Why am I being asked to log into MyOntarioTech again when I try to view my Student Profile?
During the transition to our upgraded registration system, some of the background processes are running on different versions linked from MyOntarioTech. This requires some students to re-log in to access certain screens, including your Student profile.
To view your Student profile:
- Go to MyOntarioTech.
- Select the Current students box.
- In the Student records box, select Student profile.
- If prompted, login using your network credentials.
- Review your student profile information.
Note: You should not be asked to enter a PIN when viewing any screens within your MyOntarioTech account. This is an error that is occurring when accessing MyOntarioTech through Google Chrome. If you are being asked to provide a PIN, try accessing your MyOntarioTech account through an alternate browser, such as FireFox or Safari.
How can I confirm my earned hours?
Your earned hours are based on successfully completed course credit hours, and will determine when your course registration window opens.
Your earned hours are posted in a number of locations on MyOntarioTech.
To view your hours earned:
- Go to MyOntarioTech.
- Select the Current students box.
- In the Registration box, select Check your registration status.
- If prompted, login using your network credentials.
- On the Select a term page, use the drop down arrow to select a term from the Terms open for registration and then click continue. Your earned hours equal your institution hours, plus your transfer hours.
- Go to MyOntarioTech.
- Select the Current students box.
- In the Student records box, select Student profile.
- If prompted, login using your network credentials.
- Your earned hours are shown as Overall hours on the top banner of your Student profile page.
- On your Student profile page, below Overall hours from Step 5. Your earned hours are also listed in the undergraduate table found under the heading Curriculum, Hours and GPA, select Hours and GPA tab.
How do I navigate the course preview?
Our course preview and registration processes have been updated to serve you better. To search for courses in the new course preview:
- Select the term you are interested in and select Continue.
- If you know the course code, enter it directly in the Subject and course number field. As you start typing, a drop-down menu will show all the courses that match your search.
- Select Search to bring up the course details, including lecture times, linked labs, or tutorials if applicable.
- Select Course title to view additional information about the course, including any restrictions, prerequisites and course comments.
- Select Search again to return to the main Browse classes page to search for another course.
- To search all courses in a particular subject area, select or start typing in the Subject field, which will bring up a drop-down menu of all subjects available. You may also use the Advanced search option to search by a variety of alternative criteria.
How do I use the plan ahead feature for registration?
Our new Plan Ahead feature allows you to create mock schedules to map out your upcoming semester(s). These can be uploaded once your registration window opens, allowing you to easily register into your preferred courses.
Note: If you are a first year student, and your program provides you with either a block schedule option, or a pre-designed semester schedule option, you do not need to use the plan ahead feature. This feature benefits continuing or returning students, or first year students entering a program that does not provide pre-designed scheduling options.
To create your own mock schedule using the Plan ahead feature:
- Go to MyOntarioTech.
- Select the Current students box.
- In the Registration box, select Plan ahead.
- If prompted, login using your network credentials.
- On the Select a term page, select a term using the drop down arrow in Terms open for planning and then select continue.
- Under the Select a plan page, select Create a new plan.
- For each schedule that you want to create, use the course listed on your program map, and search for available sections using the class schedule search:
- Select the Subject from the provided list using the first 4 letters of the course code.
- Enter the four-digit number into the Course number field, followed by the letter “U."
- Select the View sections button and then select the Add button to add the desired course sections to your mock schedule. You can create up to six mock schedules per semester. Be sure to add all linked labs and tutorials for each course using the View linked button, if applicable.
- Once your registration window opens, you can register into all courses listed in your mock schedule by selecting the plans tab at the top of the registration screen, then select Add all.
How can I confirm my student status permits registration?
- Go to MyOntarioTech.
- Select the Current students box.
- In the Registration box, select Check your registration status.
- If prompted, login using your network credentials.
- On the Select a term page, use the drop down arrow to select a term from the Terms open for registration and then click continue. Confirm that your student status and academic standing permit registration, and that you do not have any holds on your account that would prevent registration.
What do I do if I get an error message?
When it comes to course registration, errors are common.
Find out what to do when you're faced with certain error messages by visiting our Common registration error messages web page. -
What do I do if I get a hold error when registering?
There are a number of reasons why you may encounter a hold error message when attempting to register.
For information on how to determine your hold and how to resolve it, check out our Common registration hold errors web page.
Why is there an error when I try to register into my courses using my mock schedule?
When creating your mock schedule, the system doesn't check for any registration errors, including linked courses, pre-requisite courses, restrictions or time conflicts.
Make sure that you review the restriction of each of the courses you are trying to add before registering for them to avoid any errors.
What is an elective?
Electives, general electives or open electives may be chosen from any course in the list of offerings. However, some courses are restricted from degree credit in some programs.
Read our Academic Calendar regulations carefully to ensure that the electives will meet your program requirements. If you are still unsure, please contact your Academic Advisor.
What does Conditional Add/drop courses mean?
Conditional Add/Drop allows you to drop a course, on the condition that you are successfully registered into a new one.
To use this feature:
- Check the Conditional add/drop box beside the Submit button in the summary section of your course registration screen.
- Select the new course you wish to add to your schedule, indicate which course you would like to drop if you successfully register into your newly selected course, then select Submit.
If you were able to be registered into your new course without errors, the summary section will indicate that you have successfully added and dropped your courses. If there were any errors with your new course, then your registration would remain as it was before.
How do I change the lab/tutorial section of one of my courses without dropping the corresponding lecture?
You can use the Conditional Add/Drop function, which allows you to drop your current lab/tutorial on the condition that you are able to successfully register into the new lab/tutorial section.
- To use this feature: check the Conditional add/drop box beside the Submit button in the summary section of your course registration screen.
- Select the new course you wish to add to your schedule, indicate which course you would like to drop if you successfully register into your newly selected course, then select Submit.
If you were able to be registered into your new course without errors, the summary section will indicate that you have successfully added and dropped your courses. If there were any errors with your new course, then your registration would remain as it was before.
I just tried to switch a lab section and was removed from the course entirely. Why?
If the lab section you were trying to switch into was full, you were not added to that section. However, you were removed from your original lab section and the corresponding lecture because the lab that you dropped is linked to that lecture.
To best avoid this from happening, please check the availability of course sections prior to dropping a class, or use the Conditional Add/Drop function located beside the submit button on your course registration screen.
How do I drop a course in MyOntarioTech?
To drop a course via MyOntarioTech:
- Go to MyOntarioTech.
- Select the Current students box.
- In the Registration box, select Add or drop courses online.
- If prompted, login using your network credentials.
- On the Select a term page, select a term using the drop down arrow in Terms open for registration and then select continue.
- Select the action that you would like to do (i.e. web drop) in the summary panel on the bottom right-hand side of the screen.
- Select Submit for the changes to take place.
If you are unable to drop your course, please email connect@ontariotechu.ca.
Note: The date your email is received will determine the type of drop process that will be followed (i.e. refund percentage, etc.)
What are my learning options if I’m an International student and am unable to enter Canada, or cannot attend on-campus classes do to medical reasons?
Ontario Tech is returning to blended instruction where a majority of classes will be in-person, while respecting current public health requirements. While some classes will be offered online, not all courses will have both in-person and online offerings.
Students who are not able to enter Canada, or who are unable to come to campus due to medical reasons should work with their Academic Advisors to determine the best schedule options possible. While we are committed to working with students to build a workable schedule, there may be situations where an alternative to in-person instruction is simply not available for all courses.
If this applies to you, please contact your Academic Advisor for assistance.
How do I officially withdraw from the university?